Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Who's fault is it? Huh?

Just when ya thinking that your life is pretty much alright, you're content with, things seem to be running ok.... when all it take is just one little thing to spoil it all.

Salsa class is cancelled. Was so looking forward to it, and seeing her as well. But no... recently something happened to her and nowadays all i get are short cold answers. I had to even structure my questions properly in order not to cause some unbalance in her probably already moody air around her. It's her private life, I know she doesn't want anyone to intefere. So what does that mean? Can't talk anymore? If ya reading this, I'm sorry.... I really wanna vent it out, no offence. If you can always be there be for others, why can't you let others be there for you?


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