Shopping spree! Arrrhhh!!!
Oh yes, by now everyone's got their progress $$$. Over the weekend did a bit of shopping... here are just some of the stuff which my insane mind has made me buy....
Recently I have been hearing some of my friends getting into the online shopping trend. I personally never tried doing any online shopping before, had never intended to as well. I always thought that you just can't simply beat the feeling of seeing the actual product itself right in front of your eyes and not from the screen. Then I was introduced to the world of online auctions... eBay and Yahoo Auctions. Gee you really find some cool stuff in there... some rare some interesting... some even downright dumb.... almost anything and everything you can think of. Thwe best part is the price... most of them are offered at way below actual or cost price. Well of course most stuff up there are 2nd hand... but you can still find brand new products which owners had got them for free or whatever and they'll put it up and lower than before prices. Man you can even bargain too. I was looking at watches then saw this particular item.... that has a link to somewhere else, locally, which sells Casio watches online at prices BELOW what the shops outside are selling! Imagine, a brand new model that had recently just came, retails at $90 at the shops, whereas here, they're selling it at only $75.... oh guess what, comes with FREE delivery! OMG... sounds great huh? The watches are genuine according to the website, comes with 1-year warranty and so... loads of positve feedback, not only locally but from overseas buyers as well. Check it out... if ya looking for Casio and Seiko watches, I had just placed an order for one, currently being processed... so we see how it'll go in the coming days. :)
Back to the auctions, I was also looking at digital cameras and... the one i have is pretty urgh now, still works fine but... just wanna find something better. You won't believe when I say that I actually spent 2 days looking through the different cams being auctioned... and then i narrowed down to 2 models. I begin to ask around which is better, did some comparisons... some calculations.... then realised why the hell go for a budget 2MP camera when you can go for a 3MP with not much price difference? And thus I got myself this.....

Tada! A Nikon Coolpix 3100, slighty over a year old and comes with complete accessories and box... well almost everything, he unknowingly left out the CD software. :S But that really matter, it was only some application to view the downloaded pictures... the overall condition is great!


Almost everything but the CD software. Bleh.
Then over the weekend I went to Beach Road to just check out the place... then got myself a new LED torch.

It's the black one one the right. The silver one is my current one which i use at work. Notice that the one i bought has only got 1 LED... that *toot*ing packs a bright punch! Actually it's much much brighter than my 10 LED one. *Grin*
Gonna stop here for now... was trying to upload more pics but somehow not working... I'll update again soon. :)
Recently I have been hearing some of my friends getting into the online shopping trend. I personally never tried doing any online shopping before, had never intended to as well. I always thought that you just can't simply beat the feeling of seeing the actual product itself right in front of your eyes and not from the screen. Then I was introduced to the world of online auctions... eBay and Yahoo Auctions. Gee you really find some cool stuff in there... some rare some interesting... some even downright dumb.... almost anything and everything you can think of. Thwe best part is the price... most of them are offered at way below actual or cost price. Well of course most stuff up there are 2nd hand... but you can still find brand new products which owners had got them for free or whatever and they'll put it up and lower than before prices. Man you can even bargain too. I was looking at watches then saw this particular item.... that has a link to somewhere else, locally, which sells Casio watches online at prices BELOW what the shops outside are selling! Imagine, a brand new model that had recently just came, retails at $90 at the shops, whereas here, they're selling it at only $75.... oh guess what, comes with FREE delivery! OMG... sounds great huh? The watches are genuine according to the website, comes with 1-year warranty and so... loads of positve feedback, not only locally but from overseas buyers as well. Check it out... if ya looking for Casio and Seiko watches, I had just placed an order for one, currently being processed... so we see how it'll go in the coming days. :)
Back to the auctions, I was also looking at digital cameras and... the one i have is pretty urgh now, still works fine but... just wanna find something better. You won't believe when I say that I actually spent 2 days looking through the different cams being auctioned... and then i narrowed down to 2 models. I begin to ask around which is better, did some comparisons... some calculations.... then realised why the hell go for a budget 2MP camera when you can go for a 3MP with not much price difference? And thus I got myself this.....

Tada! A Nikon Coolpix 3100, slighty over a year old and comes with complete accessories and box... well almost everything, he unknowingly left out the CD software. :S But that really matter, it was only some application to view the downloaded pictures... the overall condition is great!


Almost everything but the CD software. Bleh.
Then over the weekend I went to Beach Road to just check out the place... then got myself a new LED torch.

It's the black one one the right. The silver one is my current one which i use at work. Notice that the one i bought has only got 1 LED... that *toot*ing packs a bright punch! Actually it's much much brighter than my 10 LED one. *Grin*
Gonna stop here for now... was trying to upload more pics but somehow not working... I'll update again soon. :)
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