s i g h

Just this morning we caught a big big lizard just before we left Dog Platoon. Quite big really, about 80cm in length (excluding its 50cm tail).

Say "CHEESE!!" Up close and personal, whoa!

It was interesting the way we caught that lizard. the guys were about the load the rubbish onto the truck when they saw it in the rubbish point and didn't know what to do. me and another guy came along, that guy removed all the rubbish to outside and that lizard ran out. we chased it, along the way picked up a wooden plank and whacked its head BAM! he's ours! While our hero pinned his head down, i pinned his wildly whipping tail with my rifle while we wait for someone to get some string. Apparently there's none available, so our big size hero, Hong Lin is his name, grabbed the lizard by it's neck and tail, picked him up and trhew him into a cage. So fun!
Yesterday i didn't managed to blog cos i had overslept, i had woke up at about 4 plus to shit.. cos in my dream i was constantly having this urge to shit, to a point where when i was woken up by the real urge itself. after that i went back to sleep... only to be woken up at 8 by my mum. I panicked man, asked my mum to packed dinner for me while i rushed to change and head back to camp for that bloody extra duty. Today i'm supposed to be having my off, ya know sigh... but at duty area it was goood... quiet and peaceful. good sleep! cept that Noby's twitching leg bugged me a little at times. I thought i could have an early dismount this morning cos we're (yeah we the guys serving the extra for the dog thing SIGH) having off... well the black guy simply just doesn't like us and kept us till normal dismount time. Half of our off day, gone just like that.
Ya know on sunday, after coming back from duty and done washing kennels and grooming of dogs, my shift guys had to have a go at driving. i don't know who started it, but one by one came to the driver's seat to have a taste of driving. who else to sit by their sit in case they head towards a lamp post but me, but hey, i can teach a driver dummy from zero to moving off and changing gears in just 5 minutes man. Am i pro or what??? :D We could've been able to go down earlier if it weren;t for them going for the free driving excursion unwillingly provided by me. anyway, after we left camp, i dropped off halfway enroute to Jurong Point where i normally take whatever public transport home, cos last night i actually drove the Caddy all the way from home to boon lay, yeah man. initially i had intended to park at the multi-storey carpark near JP, then while scouting for a better place i found a landed property area where i can park overnight for FREE, hehe. yep, drove to work and back.
mmm, it's late now. gotta have me dinner then SIGH, head back to camp... tomorrow i'm staying in camp before duty cos our black Master is coming out to do night baiting, gonna need all the rest i can get to last thru the night... hope i don't screw up... cos if i do, the following months when become IC for my shift are gonna be hell for me.... SIGH SIGH SIGH...
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