Monday, March 28, 2005

why can't it just stop... there?

i'm getting really tired from all these... really. the feeling is silent, yet.. how do i say... powerful. it's something that i can't really get it off my head, cos it's on-going! yesterday i had evening duty, the NCOs in camp asked me to help them get some food. around evening time it was raining, it looked promising that there might not be any deployment. i was keeping my fingers crossed throughout then.

just before 6, the rained had stopped and the sky cleared. disappointment. plus i was really late... again.

at least i didn't have to do much while on duty that night, except that while approaching the end of my duty hours, i was asked whether i could stay overnight due to "bad weather". i made a huge mistake by saying yes. well, even the NCO whom i called to confirm said yes, so that makes 2 guys who made a big mistake. initial it went alright, i was invited to sleep inside the cold cold guard room, and was falling asleep when a call came to ask me to get back to camp immediately. :S back in camp heard the rest of the story, did some planning and prep for tomorrow and went to sleep. acutally, i couldn't really sleep.... the fact that once again i screwed up on myself. the rest of the night i just lied on the floor, covering myself in blanket under the cold-blowing fan, trying to put things off my already swollen mind.

the spade of unfortunate events just didn't end there. because of the no deployment of the midnight outbase duty, some of th guys made some mistakes while booking in. the result: various numbers of extras given out to those involved. i feel bad that all these wouldn't have happened, if weren't for my blunderous decision to stay over. if only i had wanted to come back and hang out with the .... nvm.

great just now... JUST now i accidentally damaged my handphone desktop charging stand. Someone please, just kill me.

i having enough for now. it's really getting to much.


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