Not in a good mood

some pics i took at the dreamcar show

DAMD's Nissan 350Z

Me beside a dark GT-R

A local tuned Skyline

A Porcshe lookalike MR-S

A local WRX

hmm... actually don't feel like blogging these days, haven't been at home much this week... so busy being tired outside... now i've got this long weekend but i'm broke, again.... right now experiencing another low point of my life. yesterday went to the dreamcar asia show at expo, wasn't exactly a good time there even though it's showing my favourite stuff. laura was kind enough to accompany me there and she was actually not feeling well, yet she insisted on accompanying me. what a good friend indeed... something which made yesterday turn upside down. firstly, she can only acompany for the afternoon, in the evening she's meeting up with her ex-primary sch mates and she was not feeling well since last night and thus, woke up a little late that day. she couldn't make up her mind on what to wear and took some time.... in the end met up at about 3... half the afternoon gone. i kept quiet, cos i know if i made any noise, the day would be ruined. while on the way there, she wanted to eat, me too... at the same time there was some food fair thingy going on at expo, so ate there... then finally went to the car show... it was spectacular sight for me, but to her, it was just a bunch of metal stuff she's not interested in. the begining part was alright, until i said i wanna go round another time. that's when she put up this not-interested look the rest of the while. from then on it was sour, all sour. i don't even wanna talk about it. this was what i normally do at car shows, i like to go round seeing the cars again and again, i'm a car freak dammit. when she put up that look, it made me feel guilty that i made her accompany me just for this, felt that i should at least do something in return. she was not feeling well so thought that i should accompany her to city hall to meet her frens. she took time, as a friend, to accomany this car show. i too took time to accompanied her to meet her friends, and that's when she mentioned that "i need space" thingy again. you know what, today she didn't even messaged me at since and it's already evening... had woke up from my nap and called her, she was watching her shows... i freaking understand that we're broken up and NOT TOGETHER... ah forget it, i tried to be there as a friend to everyone and no one, even her appreciates. i'm being hated by my new shift mates in camp cos they're seeing me as slacking, when i'm fucking trying not to. all the bloody work is being done by the new birds and nothing much is left for me to do, thus ending up looking as if i'm slacking... fuck i'll do anything they tell me to do, just like being a dog myself, sucking up to every single bloody motherfucker and i still not being appreciated as a bloody friend.
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