My final day of driving course... *sad*
Hmm.. today proved to be a kinda day... cos it's my last day of my this driving course. after going through almost 6 weeks of training, being put under the sun and bearing through the almost unbearable hot afternoons... spent countless hours doing absolutely nothing and not being able to sleep or get proper rest, suffered so much delayed and admin problems caused by the camp itself, scrutinized thoroughly by the toughest and strictest testers... i've finally passed and completed this course! and the result??? This...

My army driving permit!!! a bit blur though... :oD
Yep, that's my licence to drive army vehicles, yeah yeah i know i still can't drive any cilivian cars whatsoever, but it's the damn closest thing to it ok! i might even have plans to just go for the cilivian asap, can really feel the need to drive and make an impact on the motorsports scene here in Singapore :op today i did my last and final IWCD in a rover, boy it was the best rover i've driven so far! lack of power as usual, but it made up with it's excellent gearbox and better-than-usual clutch. Tomorrow i'm going back to Tengah Air Base again, back to the now known as Dog Platoon (snigger)... think the new batch of guys are already in there, so i'm no more a newbie! plus i've got dual vocational status, which means less work, more driving! hope it goes that way... but still going back there, waking up early every single day, doing morning runs and i've yet to do my IPPT?! and get silver too! sigh), doing those night duties and washing of kennels and all those management, bunk cleaning, training and grooming... sigh. well at least i get to see Noby again, i kinda guess that he's gonna be taken up by the newbies and i'll be assigned to another dog... sigh. and what great timing to go back to unit, on my birthday. actually i could've told them that i'll being going back on saturday, claiming that friday would the last day of course... but i fear if they found out the truth, there goes my almost perfect record of good performance in their eyes... speaking of my birthday, no plans, doing 8-5pm there at camp, then head home, along the way buy myself a cake, some kfc for the family and that's it... but sat afternoon i'll be meeting up with laura, she asked me for lunch... how can i refuse??? was thinking of bringing her to go ice skating... yeah maybe i'll ask her that. well, got a few hours left of my free time before i go back to that sucky life as a dog handler... gonna spend it on gaming and i dunno... do what i always do best, dreaming of my fantasy life and sleep :oD

My army driving permit!!! a bit blur though... :oD

Yep, that's my licence to drive army vehicles, yeah yeah i know i still can't drive any cilivian cars whatsoever, but it's the damn closest thing to it ok! i might even have plans to just go for the cilivian asap, can really feel the need to drive and make an impact on the motorsports scene here in Singapore :op today i did my last and final IWCD in a rover, boy it was the best rover i've driven so far! lack of power as usual, but it made up with it's excellent gearbox and better-than-usual clutch. Tomorrow i'm going back to Tengah Air Base again, back to the now known as Dog Platoon (snigger)... think the new batch of guys are already in there, so i'm no more a newbie! plus i've got dual vocational status, which means less work, more driving! hope it goes that way... but still going back there, waking up early every single day, doing morning runs and i've yet to do my IPPT?! and get silver too! sigh), doing those night duties and washing of kennels and all those management, bunk cleaning, training and grooming... sigh. well at least i get to see Noby again, i kinda guess that he's gonna be taken up by the newbies and i'll be assigned to another dog... sigh. and what great timing to go back to unit, on my birthday. actually i could've told them that i'll being going back on saturday, claiming that friday would the last day of course... but i fear if they found out the truth, there goes my almost perfect record of good performance in their eyes... speaking of my birthday, no plans, doing 8-5pm there at camp, then head home, along the way buy myself a cake, some kfc for the family and that's it... but sat afternoon i'll be meeting up with laura, she asked me for lunch... how can i refuse??? was thinking of bringing her to go ice skating... yeah maybe i'll ask her that. well, got a few hours left of my free time before i go back to that sucky life as a dog handler... gonna spend it on gaming and i dunno... do what i always do best, dreaming of my fantasy life and sleep :oD
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