Saturday, November 27, 2004

blank... day

not much today, all i did this morning and work was drive as usual. never went into the kennel at all haha. then after that went for lunch with some of the guys, then home... then slept a little... then now. tonight may do some 'by left' stuff, meeting up other guys while at duty... and i'll be using the dog van going around heh. mum's not home now, have no idea what's for dinner too... outside seems pertty clear day, perhaps the night too... very boring, very boring. yesterday didn't go too IMM at all, mom says she's too tired at the last mintue. 2 more fridays till pay day, that's really far away. at times like this, it gets pretty lonely here. seeing others occupied with their work and lookin' forward to things... sigh. looking at some stuff around my room reminds me of memories of the life i used to have while with someone... would pretty love to re-live those moments. it's another saturday night... blues. :s


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