A branch full of spiders

crap, didn't take this pic properly. anyway i was somewhere in the canal near dog platoon and came across this fallen dead branch.... full of spiders with like long front legs and webs everywhere. interesting. :D

well, i had a good duty night, let's see my duty normally started at 12 midnight to 6:30am... but i was already sleeping in the restroom at dog platoon at 1:30am. :D
yesterday basically came home to sleep, woke up to record a few songs into my MD. Today's weather looks good, cloudy but yet there's still sun. might rain later on though... but no plans to head to the beach or whatever. i was wondering what can i make as a christmas prezzie for laura and those few so-called close frens of mine... cards? i was thinking of getting laura that ice cube lamp from ikea, but that $35 price tag set me off a bit. alternatively i was thinking of buying some small glasses and do some stain art on it... put a candle in it and yah, i don't know what you call it but that was the idea. i was also thinking of doing something original... but i haven't been original since my younger and wilder days.... maturity must have sent it away gah. anyhow anyway... aside from planning christmas thingys, got a few movies to watch at home. The Incredibles, The Matrix Reloaded.... ah National Treasure... ooh ya gonna download Blade Trinity as well. It's another long weekend for me, tomorrow took leave.... on christmas eve i'm on leave too...
feels like there's so much to do today but really, there isn't. wonder why i'm feeling this way today...
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