Monday, December 06, 2004

The verge of having a fever

It's apparent that the eating of instant noodles for the past few days have really taken it's toll on me. first it was the diarohea-like toilet visits (including last night.... while at duty area), then in the wee hours of the morning the feeling of heatiness in my throat despite drinking more fluid than usual.... now it has come to this. i came home with a really stuffed up nose which was also leaking and i could feel myslef burning up.
yes, i'm on the verge of having a fever.
usually this is the time where i decided whether to have it or try to supress it; to get mc leave or not let the others suffer because of my absence. right now there're only 2 operationsl drivers at dog sect, the other freshie haven't had his orientation drive yet so he stil can't drive yet. so i decided to try to supress it the best i can... i popped 2 panadol pills, went online for a while and went to sleep. had trouble sleeping though, at the same time took my temperature and it read 36.5 degrees. i could feel myself heating up.
right now i just woke up not long ago and my temp. still reads the same, but feeling rather sick and quite a bit of fatigue setting in. made some hot milo, don't know i should have that or not but it does make me feel a little better. dang, if only i had brought home some panadol extra pills from my cupboard in camp... mom was home today (thank god!), finally proper meals at last. very gloomy weather outside today, didn't rain much but was drizzling ever since i came home. not helping with my recovery... i can easily get sick, and can easily get out of it too... hope i can do it this time too.... *clears throat and blows really stuffed up nose... oh my god so much sh*t....*


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