Another entry (aka another title filler)

the guys in barrack watching tv before heading out for duty... and what were they watching? Power Rangers The Movie -_-

saturday was urgh... tired. that was in the evening. the night before i was the only joker to come back to camp to sleep over; my shift was on duty and the other shift was on off the next day. didn't really sleep well. anyway, went to work as usual on saturday morning... end rather early at about 10am. was gonna go home and relax when Christy, yesh that new friend of mine, smsed me that she had problems and... since me being sooo free for the entire day plus my duty for that night is sl**k :D, offered to accompany her. went to changi airport, took bus back to town, hung around orchard for a while b4 heading home in the evening. goodness what was i doing... but i was alright with it... nothing wrong to be some company for someone right? then when it came to doing my duty last night, slept like a log zzzzzz.... awsome.
i jus checked out laura's blog and i was like whoa... she looked busy as hell.... guess she pretty had a super duper good cny. even she herself looked... *drool*... shakes head and wakes up* then this got me wandering. i've been trying many times to meet up with her... should i continue trying? so far i've never been in contact with her for a real long while... nothing from her too... hmm.... hmmm..
ooh v-day's tomorrow... ironically heh... 3 of my shift mates who had patched up with their gfs, broke up just recently. Ooh heartbreak... what's worse, those 3 guys took leave on the 14th since last month. i've got nothing to say.
later this evening i'm supposed to attend a friend's house warming... actually i'm quite reluctant to go... i've got extra duty tonight for goodness sake... plus the next morning i'm driving Antis to the hospital for routine check-up! was thinking of driving the Caddy to his house warming... but then again the next day i'm doing 8-5... plus i was thinking of staying in cos i wanna avoid depressing myself while being exposed to couples holding flowers and whatever outside.... what a COCK new year urgh..
well that's it for now. gonna burn some car vid clips to watch tomorrow night in the barracks. :D
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