Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Duty! on chinese new year's eve.... %#@*%!!!

sigh yeah, gonna usher in the year of the cock, wearing my army uniform, carrying a rifle and hold a dog. i should be holding on to a bloody chicken instead. now this is the downside of working as a RP in the army... yes DOg Platoon is also under RP... no matter what holidays come by, international or local, or your own... camp security must ALWAYS be there. thus my camp's motto: to protect tengah airbase from blahblahblah.... 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days... there will always be the unlucky ones who have to fore-go there personal appointments, to stay in camp and ... just stay in there. what a COCK-ass way to celebrate the CNY eh?
fortunately, the army is well, not always that bad.... tonight we get to book in much later than usual, and we'll try to leave the place as early as possible the next morning. how about.. 8am? possible! just that the dogs will have to suffer just a little. from what i heard from my mum, the next 2 days of holiday we ain't going visiting, in fact we'll have visitors, including ones from malaysia. OoOh... for me, i ain't gonna stay at home... most probably gonna try, TRY, to find someone to hang out with... got the Caddy with meh! these days i'm getting used to the car's sticky clutch, i feel like a pro already, the car's like... 'not enough for me'. want more OMPH! *starts to picture his eldest bro's red Kia*
well as for tonight's reunion dinnar, don't think it's extravagant in any way, hope it's a good one. for now i'm just gonna catch a nap and rest... Happy (-_-) Chinese New Year.


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