This morning I woke up with mixed feelings. Apparently left-over blues from yesterday. I truly have a thing for making the already bad, go worse. It wasn't until much much later, that ahhh... I know why. Anyway, I couldn't believe that she blatantly said she is 10 years my senior. I find that quite mean and it was really a shock. Caught me there real good. The ball was in her court and I was desperately trying to find a solution/exit/whatever.
What the fuck was I doing. (Takes a rifle out and points barrel at self) Someone please shoot me? The trigger's too far and I can't reach it.... (stretches arm)
It seems that there are many things I have yet to know about women. Many many more, as I had learnt from my Sis Stef who I went to meet her after my class. She was intending to study for exams at H.V. So just nice, went to pick her. Yeah... I can't really totally blame myself, but yet I'm sure she has her reasons too. I guess I made one mistake way way too far... Hmm.
Not feeling much of any better after catching up with Stef who we haven't seen each other for months, I called up a random net friend Junee and wow... I see it more clearly now. Mmm... I should move on, but sigh she'll still be in my mind for a while. Haven't seen her in a week and this happens... How I wish I could tell her that I miss her and her cat... Oops.
Apart from this, went to settle some standing issues with someone. If you're reading this, yes I left your beloved phone at your office reception. It's now back safely in your hands, waiting to be traded off again. I could've told your brother that I know where you stay and what bike he rides when he threaten me, but I'm not that of a horrible person by nature. Sad to say goodbye, I wish you the best in everything you do. Take care. :)
Tomorrow is back to the workshop. Derrick my RR boss was away on holiday in Germany for the past week and so other supervisor took over. It seem that he took the responsibility a little too seriously. Even the other senior mechanic agreed with my point. Instead of learning what I'm supposed to be learning which is anything about cars, I was made to do domestic chores. Sweep, mop, arrange stuff, change the pail of water for him while he's applying decals to the car... gosh you name it. Thank goodness Derrick's returning in 2 days time to relief him of his 'stressed-out temp position'. And next week onwards no classes for the next 3 weeks. Should I not tell the boss? Hmm not worth the risk...
And finally, news about the Caddy... good news that is! But first one piece of bad news, my brother had recently got a new job and that would require him to drive to work... looks like he's taking over now. :( On the other hand, since he's bringing back the car to daily driven status, he'll need to get the car back to shape... and that means repairs... and that means he's willing to pay to get the power windows and speedometer working again! And new clutch and brakes too :D Phew.. just when I was about to spend a bomb to slowly start the repair campaign on the Caddy myself. :P
Dunno why but i just felt like it, here's a pic of a ride I created in the old old game Street Legal Redline Racing. Just one of many lol

I know there's something wrong with the upper part of the pic... gah I'm lazy ok.
What the fuck was I doing. (Takes a rifle out and points barrel at self) Someone please shoot me? The trigger's too far and I can't reach it.... (stretches arm)
It seems that there are many things I have yet to know about women. Many many more, as I had learnt from my Sis Stef who I went to meet her after my class. She was intending to study for exams at H.V. So just nice, went to pick her. Yeah... I can't really totally blame myself, but yet I'm sure she has her reasons too. I guess I made one mistake way way too far... Hmm.
Not feeling much of any better after catching up with Stef who we haven't seen each other for months, I called up a random net friend Junee and wow... I see it more clearly now. Mmm... I should move on, but sigh she'll still be in my mind for a while. Haven't seen her in a week and this happens... How I wish I could tell her that I miss her and her cat... Oops.
Apart from this, went to settle some standing issues with someone. If you're reading this, yes I left your beloved phone at your office reception. It's now back safely in your hands, waiting to be traded off again. I could've told your brother that I know where you stay and what bike he rides when he threaten me, but I'm not that of a horrible person by nature. Sad to say goodbye, I wish you the best in everything you do. Take care. :)
Tomorrow is back to the workshop. Derrick my RR boss was away on holiday in Germany for the past week and so other supervisor took over. It seem that he took the responsibility a little too seriously. Even the other senior mechanic agreed with my point. Instead of learning what I'm supposed to be learning which is anything about cars, I was made to do domestic chores. Sweep, mop, arrange stuff, change the pail of water for him while he's applying decals to the car... gosh you name it. Thank goodness Derrick's returning in 2 days time to relief him of his 'stressed-out temp position'. And next week onwards no classes for the next 3 weeks. Should I not tell the boss? Hmm not worth the risk...
And finally, news about the Caddy... good news that is! But first one piece of bad news, my brother had recently got a new job and that would require him to drive to work... looks like he's taking over now. :( On the other hand, since he's bringing back the car to daily driven status, he'll need to get the car back to shape... and that means repairs... and that means he's willing to pay to get the power windows and speedometer working again! And new clutch and brakes too :D Phew.. just when I was about to spend a bomb to slowly start the repair campaign on the Caddy myself. :P
Dunno why but i just felt like it, here's a pic of a ride I created in the old old game Street Legal Redline Racing. Just one of many lol

I know there's something wrong with the upper part of the pic... gah I'm lazy ok.
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