Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It sucks

It sucks to know that people think that you're not that good as you thought you would be.

It sucks have many contacts in your list, but only a few would actually bother to talk or hold a conversation with you.

It sucks to be born with a personality that you aren't exactly proud of.

It sucks to lose the key to the car, and that you have to pay for it... a lot.

It sucks to have the ones who you feel most comfortable, to treat you like you're just another guy that comes and goes.

It sucks to talk to people who will end up blocking you cuz you can't click with them. Sometimes that's mutal... still it sucks.

It sucks to have a suspected late-night eating disorder.

It sucks to take leave on Friday and Saturday, only to know that your plans ain't gonna happen cuz the other is not free.

It sucks to have a new guy at work, that looks gay, talks gay and acts gay... and he's fuckin' balding.

It sucks to take a leap in faith, that doesn't work out in the end.

It sucks to be in a situation, where you're totally not prepared for.

It sucks to talk to rich bastards... you throw money at me, I'll just pick them up and walk away.

It sucks to not know and understand your own dialect group. Please don't bring me to China.

It sucks to know of someone who you thought you had feelings for, has changed totally.

It sucks to know what you feared has come true.

It sucks to feel that no one kinda understands what you're going through.

I have to put all these behind. I was loser before and I will not be one again. I've tried to stay positive for so long and I will not give that up.

Then again there's no denying on whoa I really am inside me. Some should know, others have no clue.


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