Monday, June 04, 2007

Happie Birf-dae 2 mi

Todae it are mai birf-dae. 2 mi, it are liek ani ah-der dae.

Ahh.. i can't talk we bad as those lolcats, anyway so far received some online greets, no sms so far and to date the only person who has ever done something for me is C... thanks for the lunch treatie!

Usually when someone's birthday has arrived, most would ask where, when and how they're celebrating. Gee.. that's like a very embarrassing question for me to answer. If i had my way, I would want every single person who knows me to present a birthday gift to me! everyone! then at night, a feast for everyone and party non-stop till late!

Yeah right. Plus i've got my exam papers tomorrow morning... Oh well, i'm only 25... there're plenty of more birthdays to go, there will bound to be a memorable one to happen sometime. :P


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