A plain picture in my head, brings no thoughts but holds so much meaning...
Man, the weather today was really full of ups and downs... during the day it rained alot and the sun came out quite a number of times too... rigth now in the evening it feels a little chilly, maybe i can have a good cosy sleep tonight... sounds unbelievable when ya talking about sleep in camp huh... another long day, the morning part was a little hectic, i had to drive some guys to another camp for their training and i was running late, partly due to the fact that i was busy ensuring that i was doing some by-right stuff. once again i didn't spend a single on food, but still i actually ate quite a bit, thanks to one of the reservist guys who offered to treat me nasi lemak and a drink... ate that at noon. straight after eating, i drove some guys down who wanted to eat at the canteen... another guy gave me another lunch treat, for letting him join us down here. unbelievable, i actually didn't spend a lot this week! during lunch time, while we were having lunch, the guys were talking about patching up with their gf and stuff, almost all of them said that their relationship ended because of army... but most of them had got back together and patched up and stuff... this guy... that guy... then all eyes came to me. they asked,"hey when's your turn??" i didn't say a word, just smiled. indeed, those guys who got just back together with their gf looked happy and eager to talk about it... i bletantly smiled and so-called 'joined in' the conversation, but inside me... all i could think of was laura. it was just the image of her in my mind, no nothing about it, just a picture. i don't know why, but that was it. felt like it was instinctive, like when i hear anything to do with relationships, girlfriends etc... the first thing that appears in my head was her. guess that shows i'm still pretty much attached to her inside me. well anyway, the rest of the day i did quite a bit of driving, thankfully that's something which i love and can take away the troubles in my head for a while. the weekend's here, once again i'd probably spend a lot of time on the computer, either playing or tuning up or doing something to this machine which i pretty much depend a lot during this mid life crisis of mine. i'm begining to dislike going out, if seeing stuff which i'd love to get my hands on but can't afford wasn't bad enough, seeing couples would probably throw me into the middle of a busy expressway or off a tall building. was thinking of heading to the beach and just listen to music... would love some company but who? everyone's always busy one way or another... not sure being alone for a while is a good idea or not. well, we'll just see what this weekend says, coz i'm just sittin' heeah n waitin' fer somethin' to happen~~~
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