Dawn of a new Age for me
wow, almost didn't realize that i forgot to blog yesterday, well that's becos i've just got.... CABLE CONNECTION! oh yes, noooo more 56k shit, i can stay online as long as i wanna! yesterday i went to the starhub shop at PS to sign up, they had this promo going on, free modem, activation fee waived and best of all.... no need to pay for some installation charge! they actually gave me an option whether i wan the installation thingy, just said no straight away. i can set this up myself! and i did, just had to buy a long cable and wee.... it was just plug-n-play. for the first time in such a long while, i felt really happy. i can finally download whatever i wanted to watch, play whatever online games till wee hours and download songs.... FASTER! also yesterday went to sim lim square to get a bluetooth dongle for my phone to connect to my computer, excellent man! now i can store my camera pics, sms and whatever into my computer.... change the theme of my phone and ooh ooh, i can use my phone as a remote control to my computer! really useful when playing songs and watch shows... i was so into my new found toys yesterday, that i didn't even sleep when i was suppose to have duty last night. i didn't care... and i ended up feeling super tired this morning. came home then... switched on my computer first, watched an episode of family guy hee... then went to sleep. wow, feels like i no longer have a reason to go out anymore haha... no lah. the weekend's here... plus got that auto show going on... don't know whether should i go alone or ask someone along. the last time i went to an auto show turned out bad cos i kept going round and round... don't really wanna get anyone irritated. maybe i'll go alone then next time ask someone along or something.. nah. hmm.. been wanting to meet laurz for quite some time, that thought kept lingering around.... contemplating whether it's a good idea, i mean it's just lunch or dinner... but i always have this reputation of screwing up whatever i tried to do... embaressing man. hmm see how... laurz also got blogging thingy recently, don't know why everyday i instinctively go to her webbie and check it out. sigh, hurts to see someone who you used to love and/or still love feeling down... but the worst thing is you can't do a damn thing about it, knowing that you'll still hurt her in the end... even if it's just being there for her. And thus my own saying... "Looking after her from afar"...
some pics from my phone...
Me and Kennth, the guy who sleeps under my bed
Using my fren's K700i, I'm Wanted!
Noby wearing a cape during one of the parades
Dusty II, cute eh
Yeah i know it's blur, but these 2 guys were actually hiding from the rain, lol
one of the newr dogs, name's pertty obvious, doing that Ferrari's prancing horse stunt
Noby, up close and personal!
some pics from my phone...
Me and Kennth, the guy who sleeps under my bed

Using my fren's K700i, I'm Wanted!

Noby wearing a cape during one of the parades

Dusty II, cute eh

Yeah i know it's blur, but these 2 guys were actually hiding from the rain, lol

one of the newr dogs, name's pertty obvious, doing that Ferrari's prancing horse stunt

Noby, up close and personal!

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