I'm free! for just a few hours urghhh
Ohhh boy, feels good to be home again. spent the sunday and monday at that horrid place, it's good to be able to see women in outside clothes again ahahaha. man i'm so tired, apparently i didn't, or rather never had enough sleep... firstly there, is never a comfortable place to sleep and mosquitos plague the whole place. and as if being there wasn't bad enough, i had to tolerate the ever-repeating nonsense from my loop 'buddy', always talking to me as if i'm stupid or something lower. most of the time i spent watching tv and playing on his Game Boy Advance. i acutalyl brought along my camera, but just didn't felt like taking any pics the past 2 days. glad that my nco duty is over... i've yet to serve my extra this EVENING, which is LATER.... it 's about 1:30pm now and i've yet to catch some sleep then head back to camp. actually this extra duty of mine is supposedly 'slack', but i heard that there's gonna be a security audit at that place.... dammit, please don't make me prowl. tomorrow i'm doing 8-5!!! sigh... finally i've settled my driver paperwork shit.... sort of. let's just wait and see what that fat black guy has to say... we're no longer driving the rover, we got ourselves a bigger one... and it's Mercedes! no really, they called it the "1.5 tonner". Like the name suggest, carries half the load of the 3 tonner. never drove that one before, tomorrow gonna get a short intro by my driver IC-cum-gonna ord soon-cum-but still gonna do 3 extras for a stupid stunt he made. it sounded powerful, let's see what can i do with it. >:Dsigh, really man... not enough rest! but nevermind, PAY DAY IS COMING. then again i'll get broke a few days later... hmm... then there's the ippt which i've yet to PASS... and i still miss someone... anyway, hope it rains BIG later on, so that i don't have to be deployed... and can stay in barrack and sleeeeeep....
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