Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Eve of the Eve of a day, to me which is just another day...

Ah yes, nothing beats the feeling of retiring to your bed at home after night's sleepless duty. Last night was surprisely peaceful, the bright moon casting over the cloudless night sky, literally shining into the weathershed where i was resting... and i spent most of the time, either playing this new game i have in my phone or just simply staying awake. that particular area of my duty i was feeling rather insecure... i was doing... wait, i'm not suppose to mention all these out in the first place. :S so, i'll leave it as it was a rather tiring night.... i suppose.
There was another dog bite incident yesterday afternoon at the section, same dog Hector bit one of the junior's arm, he had earlier bit another one's hand some 2 months back. based on what i heard, they were doing some touching of the kennel, Hector was earlier tethered inside, to allow the guys to wash. once done, John, who is the personal handler for Hector, was suppose and gonna untether his own dog when, Cai, the "garang" fool, had to insist that he would do the job. once he untethered him, *bite*... puncture wounds on his right arm. Cai is good guy, always the one who would get the job done, always insisting and reminding everyone what is suppose to be done, even to me, who i am like... more senior than him? BUT... he has the traits of a workaholic... while everyone has done his jobs and goes to rest, he goes searching for any unfinished stuff before he himself retires. the annoying part about him is that, he talks about things with great detail... like you ask him a question and he will answer you, that includes a step-by-step guide, err history and maybe include his own personal views. basically, he talks to you like you're stupid or something. his intentions are good... but really annoying.
anyway back to the topic, that was what i heard about what had happened. then later another version came up; he was biten while feeding water. i couldn't really care much actually, he got biten (yay, some peace without him?) after coming back from range, achieving marksman the day before sounded rather comical. what was even funnier was that, our warrant officer had been constantly briefing us on safely especially regarding dog bites... and this happens. boy i can imagine him crying at home. unfortunately, this incident has caused some changes, and they are not good... and some well, actually don't really make sense. Hear this: the next dog bite incident, if that guy who got biten can't recite all the standing orders regarding safety when handling the dogs, he'll be charged. Oh so, if i get biten by a dog and i missed out a particular standing order rule, i'll get charged.... for what?! for failing to follow the standing orders maybe... but other than that, what? it's like... you getting knocked down by a military vehicle and you get charged for... being in it's way? that what i can think of... pure dumbness. another thing was the topic of being able to handle the dangerous dog in our section. Our lastest addition, the oh-so-rowdy-and-crazy Qundo seemed to be the only dog which most of us couldn't handle, so our crazy indian Master decided to have 2 guys, bring Qundo for a walk every morning. And who's gonna ensure the safety of the guys handling him? Master himself. i tell ya in no time, Qundo will go tame eventually if he's really gonna do that. plus he telling us that we all need to be fucked fucked fucked.... FUCK YOU MASTER, FUCK YOU!!!! YOU YOU YOU!! *finger*

today at home, i had to get my sleep in the afternoon, was bearly keeping my eyes while taking the shower. then i was on the computer as usual... till now. really i don't know what to do tomorrow... took leave, the entire day free... but sadly, no other people free to even meet up with me. though my family doesn't celebrate christmas, it feels really lonely to just hear other guys enjoying out there with people. if they say christmas is a time to share and enjoy, then why am i out here alone? try as i might not to get all these into my head, i can only just stride thru this so-called festive season, with my head hung low and looking down..... hoping to find something pleasant when i do lift up my head once day.
Anyone out there care to have coffee with me? :|


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