h0w D0 j00 @lL f1nD THi5 EH? PRETtY C00L? I'D $@Y, +HI$ 15 Pret+Y PhUN 4C+U4LLy... Lo0K 4T 4lL MY wORdS, 5o phuLL oPH ch4R@C+ER, $o 'IN+3rNE+', 50 LE3t! bUt... 1+ B3CoME5 4 5ORE EyE 4PHt3R 4 Wh1Le 50 0k i'LL $T0P... H4Ha...
4nyw4y... Wh4+ tEh phucK... ok back to normal, anyway, fuckin' hell! it's been days since that orientation training at NYDC and i have still not heard from them on when i can start work! Well I'm freakin' giving them another 15 hours before i call them up and ask them what the phucK is going on. With my bills reaching an all time high of over 200 bucks and OVERDUED... you can say that i'm pretty FRIGGIN' DESPERATE. Ah well i prolly derserve the service cut, who asked me to bum around sooo much. Yeah, it ain't worth it, i'm stupid and i'm always broke, what's new. Been searching around to earn $$ in anyway possible, including online surveys! Recently i just got paid US$1 for a survey i did back somewhere in June! But i somehow messed up the payment methods :( soo.... let's just hope they'll send a reminder message or something... hey it's friggin' money, right? and it actually works, wow....
Over the past few days i came up with stuff to put in my blog, the bloody rising cost in public transport, ways of coming up with cheap cooking, the satisfaction you get after releasing your poo.... but just now i just got hit by a virus in my computer. Oh, it's not just a simple spyware... this little fucker actually replicated itself and started spreading all over in my main system drive. So much so that it made my anti-virus program sounding it's alarm every 20 seconds, changed my blank desktop wallpaper to this, "You've got Virus!" or something like that and my firewall... what the fuck, where did my firewall program go?! Well, of course i panicked a bit, it's the bloody first i experienced such a big virus attack, and in real time too.... so what choice so i have but to clean up the mess. ran my anti-virus program but it was busy choking up with these virus alert pop-ups. Tried deleting them, an obviously futile attempt cos they are constantly being used by the system... and then it froze. How nice. *Presses the restart button*
*Windows logs into the desktop and virus alert pop-ups starts to flood the screen*
So... i restarted the computer in safe mode and ran all my arsenal of spyware, adware and virus cleaning programs and detected a whole load of trogan stuff all over the place. Wow, this shit works fast.
After spending about an hour cleaning, was watching Black Beauty on tv while waiting (such a touching story *sniff*), i restarted the system, thinking that it should be more or less clean by now. EZ work, job well done!
*CAUTION: A virus has been detected*
Whoops, spoke too soon.
That got me feeling a little fed up, and somehow a bit helpless too. So i went online to get some help on the forum pages. Then i noticed that help doesnt come immediately, i ain't gonna wait till i turn mouldy before they start to just look into my problem. instead, i browsed through some of the other entries of other ppl's problem and got a basic idea of what to do and what's next is too long and detail for a lazy pig like me to explain and after another hour or so waiting waiting waiting for the cleaning process to end... and VOILA! No more virus... clean, flushed and all single-handedly! yes i'm da man! I'M DA MAN! (rant all you want, it's my friggin' blog, i can talk like a gorilla all i want, BLEAH!)
Well, after going through all that "ooh-so-hair-raising-experience", it's goes to show that you gotta have good software protection in your computer at all times(although i can't figure out why my firewall program went poof without notice). I know of many friends of mine who occasionly cursed and swear at their computers when they get hit by slow performance or virus attacks, and these ppl (ususally the females :D, oh yes, just admit it) hardly pay much attention to protecting their computers, let alone updating any software inside. Well since i'm into this topic, i might as well be a nice fat pig to give you some pointers and tips to safe-guarding
your beloved or cursed computer.
1)Always have an anti-virus, firewall and spyware detector/removal programs in your system.No doubts, without these, you are a goner. Common sense lah! I'm sure you should know why you should have these, can't be bother to explain either.. go figure out yourself if you still have no idea why. For anti-virus i recommend
avast! Home Edition. It's got this pretty cool alert sound when a virus is detected and does a great job at detecting too... as you can tell from my experience. For firewall, i choose
Sygate Personal Firewall. It checks on every internet movement made from and to your computer and it allows you to choose what programs to allow net access as well. I would say this one's for the more advanced users, but it's pretty good i'd say. For spyware/adware, i use
Spybot - Search and Destroy and
Ad-aware SE Personal Edition. These work great in unison and they can effectively detect, remove and prevent future spywares from getting into yr computer. Besides, most tech-savvy guys recommend them too.
2)Run and update your software regularly.Just like you, these programs need to keep up with the trend. In in a more technical term, keeping up with the ever-growing virus world. You get the idea, right?
3)Partitioning your hard drives.Why? Cos i said so. No really actually, partitioning allows you to create different drives in your computer, so that you can oraganise your stuff. But that's not really my main point. You see, for me i partition in such a way that my system and other frequently accessed programs are install in one drive, my downloads in another and other mambo jambo in my other hard drives. So in an event if a virus hits and does some real bad shit, at least my downloaded stuff are relatively safe; i can always reinstall my Windows system without touching the other stuff. Wee! Get it? No? too bad then.
4)Clean your computer.And i mean literally cleaning the dust and and black stuff off from the inside of the computer casing. One of the reasons why if your computer seems to be crashing all the time is that it's prolly overheating; dust accumulates heat and thus yeah... girls, this is an opportunity to call your guys to come over to your house and impress your parents lol.
5)If you are at a lost, call meHahahaha.... :D
Well that's it for today... fucking hell, what a long entry eh! Hungry... MmMmm....