Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Internet Down Time

As you may have noticed (or if there's anyone out there reading this at all), I haven't been online for a few days straight. That's becos... MY LINE GOT SUSPENDED! Apparently my dear Stef did not settle the whole outstanding amount... and my line got cut all becos of the outstanding $18. Damn.

Well it's already been a few days... almost a week since i've gone "internet-less", man it's tough. Really dying to get back online and continue with my geek-like lifestyle. Oh btw, i'm right now in the library of SIM, Stef told me that the internet usage here is FREE, plus no one checks... weee.

Yesterday just served out my last day of work, yeah i resigned early cos of, well many reasons. Firstly, I needed the $ fast, if i were to continue on till the 4th, my pay ain't gonna come till around the 2nd week of the month. That's way too long. Another thing is i was planning to get another temp job at the coming COMEX Show at Suntec, but i think i'm already a little too late for that. Then i came across the the ad from Cafe Galerie that there're looking for ppl again. Since i had previously applied for that job and actually got in, I tried my luck to see if they're willing to take me back in. Yet to hear from them now.

On my last day of work, i had only realised that resigning early may have been a mistake, until.... Eurokars Centre, distributor agent for Saab and Porsche, called to inform me that i've got an interview this Wednesday.


Yeah... guess i still have a little luck left on me. This time i HOPE that i'll clinch this job, settle any outstanding bills and debts, get some stable income and finally... be able to chase girls again. :D

Enough for today, can't stay here for long, gonna meet Sharon for SUBWAY lunch later on... mmmm can't wait to get hands-on on a PORSCHE ahahhaha. ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Nothing to do at work... and at home

I'm not sure whether to say that my current job is... good? slackin'? productive? haha what am i talking about. At work, i do nothing most of the time on weeksdays, it kills so much that I'd rather watch paint dry. At home, i do nothing else but routinely go on the net to shoot up some ships in Contiumm, go to i-am-bored.com to view the daily crap, clear my email of the unusual increase in junk mail, browse through interesting stuff and videos to download and if i'm lucky, get to do some $1 online surveys. With my current Zero-$ status, i'm pretty much stuck at home, can only afford to keep on a strict limited travel of to and from work.

Actually, I kinda like going on the lookout for cheap stuff. I'm not saying that i'm becoming another typical KS Singaporean... actually living on the cheap is kinda cool. You get to come up of ways to cook up so-called great tasting food with items that cost less than 5 bucks in total... that can last for days. When you're totally clueless with what to do with 7 hours of free time and stuck at a game booth... but with lotsa pamplets and leaflets lying around somewhere nearby, mindless origami magic. Of course life would definately be more better if there's $ in hand, but think of the $ you could save just by getting around things. yeah... that was pure 2 minutes of absurd talk there.

Today was my off day, finally some time to sleep and feel my BED... unfortunately my partner has been transferred to the info counter and this fragile and petite looking who looks like a 19 year old but is actually 28 chinese girl in coming over to accompany me. I don't seem to be able to click with this not only visually but also interllectually boring WOMAN... i might need to buy a new puzzle book soon. I like my previous partner, she always complain so much about her kids and her husband... never ceases to amaze me with her stories. Oh and we love to make fun of other ppl too.. especially the kids hahahaha... ah well no more of these with this overly-conservative nerd.

Mmm today i also recieved a call from Adecco, a erm... job recruiting company or whatever... telling me that there's an offer to help set up the up-coming new attraction by the famous Cirque Du Soleil. Was thinking of ditching this current one and go for that... i can make slightly more $$ if i jump and i can get my $ quicker. Just gonna wait for them to get back to me... which brings me back to Porsche. Ah hell, i don't think they're gonna call me anytime SOON... perhaps they'll call me out in the blue months later. OoOoh and Stef, my saviour, also texted me about job opportunities at Borders, where she's now currently working at as a temp. Darn, i should've gone to Borders instead, I can walk to that NYDC and give them the finger for ditching me just like that.

OK time to end. :D

Friday, August 19, 2005

Going red in the face

In last post, i mentioned that what i would like to set as a goal for now is to own a car.

yeah, that still stands. :oD

But before that, when i do have enough money one day... the first thing that i wanna use it for....

... is to get treatment for my skin problems. :(

Before i had entered the army, i really never had much problems with my body, other than getting fevers ocassionally... my skin was alright, went through the period of pimples and yeah. But ever since i entered the army, all of a sudden my skin was triggered into erupting rashes and pimple-like spots on my back. I thought maybe cos of the addition stress i was going that kinda triggered it off, and so i didn't take much attention to it as i thought that it would just go away once i got posted out... i also didn't complain that it was bothering me too. However, due to my lack of pyhsical fitness, i was made to go thru BMT the 2nd time round. This time i approached the National Skin Centre for help, and then i was told that i had Eczema. At that point of time the rashes weren't serious enough to grant me a downgrade, and as i continued to struggle to pass out, my condition had worsen.

By the time i was posted to Tengah, it got real bad. My back had spots all over and i had frequent itchings all over. I was given some medication to sort of reduce the effects of the itching and dry skin, but it didn't really help. I dunno why but the thought of making another Skin Centre appointment didn't really crossed my mind then. Beside, ppl who tried to downgrade or "geng" would be treated harshly, i didn't had much of a choice but to keep silent.

Right now 2 months after i left army, the complexion on my back is more or less smooth again... but a new problem surfaced.... and of all regions on my body, it has to be the face. Right now i'm experiening dry and flaky facial complexion, showing red blemishes all the time. And somehow now, the flaky thingy has started to spread to my neck. It's really embaressing to meet ppl like this.... but i couldn't find a way to make it go down or go away. I just feel like i really have no "face" to meet ppl. :o(

Hopefully once i'm done settling debts, that i would have enough to seek treatment for this. Dammit... i really can't live with this for the rest of my life!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The urge to BLOG

Just came home, checked out some blogs... now have the urge to do some of my own. It's one of those mindless thinking lah... that spontaneous motivation to talk crap and bullshit.

Was reading Laura's blog, her topic on life... looking at mine, just realized that wah, mine is so sad man. Shall NOT go into details on mine, but am going on to other aspects. Ppl do go into depression somewhere in their lives. It's something which, i believe, you just can't help but to go thru it... especially if ya alone. You can't keep it inside you forever, you let it out... and it comes in many many forms. Sarcasm, frustation, bad temper, unsual behaviour, etc... When one is in such state, do you think he/she can think straight? do you think their minds can just snap out of it and look life on the bright side, just like that, in an instance? If you are those who can, congrats. I'm sure mediacorp would love to hire you.

my point in this is that... you can't live or go thru such times alone. naturally one would seek some company, who hopefully can take their minds away from such misery. Unfortunately, many give up after just giving advice. They'll go like, "if you keep up like this, then there's nothing i can do already"
Does that turn you off? Just by looking at that sentence alone... do you think that's encouraging? does that sentence actually helps at all?
I've been thru all these... seen many of such faces. To me, using that is like a threat. 'you dun do something, i go'. personally, i don't like to ditch ppl like that. Yes, one should always try to look on the bright side, and one should learn to be independant.... but i don't think one is really capable of telling when is someone on the brink of a total breakdown or just trying to gain pity or attention. actions speaks louder than words. If you all could just a little more... it might just be enough to turn things around.

Ok enough blabber, have no idea what i just blurted out cos it all came straight from the inside. On to other things....

Mmm... work is alright so far, cos it's still the weekdays. Most of the time i get really bored to death... just sitting around, doing nothing... watch ppl walk past... ARGH. thank goodness i bought a word finder mag, it really does help to past time, but not always. Today's really quite a killer, my partner is on off and i was alone.... those 7 hours seem really much longer than before man! if she was around, at least can have a chat once in a while... but today, wahhhh almost couldnt take it. to make matters worse, i didn't really get enough sleep the night before, thanks to Sharon who friggin' insisted that i help her d/l some song... just one song, and wait till she get home from work and chat online. Makes me wonder, why am i a fuckin' sucker for girls? dammit....

Now onto another topic from out of the blue, i'm really beginning to dislike the VW Caddy. It's fuckin' falling apart! a few days ago my bro told me that the passenger window got faulty and now it can't be used... and i thought that the wacky speedo and malfunctioned rev meter was the end. You know, actually i had plans to sort of redo that Caddy, was inspired to do something to it after watching some episodes of MTV's Pimp My Ride.... but that faulty window was the last straw. Now $$$ has to be spent JUST to keep that Caddy together and runnin'... fuck lah! Wanna ditch this shit and get a good 2nd hand, one that may be older but STILL TOGETHER IN 1 PIECE. My goal for the time being is to get myself my own car, yep. This one's pretty much confirmed. :)

Ahh ok lah enough already.... Oh I must thank Stefanii for helping me settle the outstanding cable bill first... Stef you're my GODDESS, will do anything for you in the future! hope she can help me pay first asap before they send me a lawyer letter or cut the line, really don't want any of my family members to know about this... as for my hp... and it can't be help. at least when they suspend the line, i can still recieve calls and sms... why the fish porsche haven't call me?! bloody biatch! argh!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Anyone got $120 to spare? :S

Sigh... sucks to be out of $. My internet cable line is gonna be suspended after the 19th... cos I CAN'T PAY THE OUTSTANDING BILL... yet. I can only pay AFTER the i'm done with my 3 week sting as a "temporary promoter"... which ends on the 4th Sep, but after adding some processing time.... I'll only get to receieve the cheque most likely on the 2nd week of Sep. This really sucks! Been trying to think of ways to save my line cos really... sounds sad but my life kinda depends on the internet... No internet, no music downloads, no video downloads, no games to play and past time, no way to keep in touch with ppl.... No LIFE!

One i was think was to quit my temp job halfway thru. in that way i can get my grossly deducted pay at the very end or begining of the month.... but i'll need to work at least 2 weeks to earn JUST enough to settle my bills and back my some $ to frens... then i'm broke again. Nah, not worth it.

Another way: Go around begging ppl for $. mmmmm.... no way. Some already were kind enough to loan me some to survive, can't really ask for more. Asking mum is totally out of the question. Asking brother who will eventually tell mum is also out... Sigh.

Last resort: rob or kidnap someone.

Nah, not really capable of that.

So i guess i'm out of options really. Just have to live without the internet for at least 3 weeks... bah. Phone line might soon get the cut too.... that one not so bad. BUT if both are cut, OMG. End of the World. Dammit, why hasnt Porsche called?!

Oh wait, i might still be able to go online once in a while, borrow someone's library password and use the net services there.... oh my god i'm so cheap.

Ah, going to work real soon, weekdays are good.... and absolute waste of time. spend 7 hours sitting, staring, yawning... and get paid. 4 out of the 6 days of work i get to do that. :)

i need $$$$! Bad! :(

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Down with... fever :(

Sigh... right now feeling very "warm", got stuffed up nose and i'm feeling just terrible. This morning when i woke up, i was already having the sniffles.... then when i reached my workplace, i was beginning to feel heaty. You should know what's next. The next 7 hours i was like.... s-u-f-f-e-r-i-n-g.... and that's not all. today being a SUNDAY, my gosh all the kids.... argh! today my arms were given a real good workout, ranging from kids who can't hold anything for shitz... and fat ones who.... god knows what their parents stuff into their kids these days.

I'm beat. Legs aching, arms... well still alright for now.... and whole body burning up. No, i'm not gonna take leave tomorrow, seriously i can't afford to. Anyway tomorrow's a monday, i'm sure there ain't much of a crowd.. at all. Pop in some panadols and take lotsa water... i should be fine... i hope. *sniff*

Friday, August 12, 2005

A kiddy day at work

My first day of work. Was almost late man. Took the bus and reached there just nice. I expected more ppl but i was um... wrong. It seems that i'm the only GUY among the temp staff and a much needed one. Me and another malay female (thankful not from the interview day) were assigned to man the "Safari Jump" game booth. It's basically a mini flying-fox, the height no taller than my knee and the distance not much more than my height. Well, it's meant for kids so.. :S

For the next 3 weeks, this is what i will be doing. Just man this game booth. Seriously i don't know what to say.

The next few hours were like... freakin' slow! Not many took the "ride", in fact i can tell ya the total figure for the number of kids who came was below 30. LOL. Can't compare this with the other game booth which is obviously a star attraction; the bungy jump... however it's still somewhat more exciting than the other one... that involves throwing some balls into honeypots. bleah.

At the end of the day, we were both so glad and relieved. What i'm worried most is the coming weekend. The fuckin' mall is gonna be flooded with kids with all this disney thingy going on here. ahhhhhhh.

Oh ya this partner of mine... she's 20 and.... she has 2 kids, a 2 yr old daughter and another 4 month old daughter too. amazing huh! unfortunately she's struggling to cope with supporting a family and stuff... and well her character is not bad, makes me think twice about malays haha.

Oh boy i'm soo tired right now.... and this is what my roster's like: 12pm to 8 pm everyday, off on every tuesday. i dunno whether to go hooray or wtf. hmm.

Oh oh and i almost forgot.... i was like so bloody excited over this for the entire day.... this morning before i left for work, the ITE Industry Officer called me (yeah, omg huh) and told me that the PORSCHE co. may wanna take me in! Yes, you fuckin' heard me right, P-O-R-S-C-H-E, Germany's sports marque.... OMG! He also told me that he gave my number to them and they'll call me anytime soon. I really didn't expect this... especially the fact that the officer actually managed and bothered to help me look up for other car companies. Porsche... FUCK MAN! I'l do anything for them if i do get the job! Next time people ask what's your work, "I'm a car technician... in Porsche' Wah shiok sia!

Hope they call me soon! *glees with estasy*

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Tired sia.... got new work!

Ah yesh... since nydc didn't need my service when they are supposedly low on crew members, screw them. Yesterday i saw this ad on the classifieds in the morning... looked rather interesting, a 3 week temp job. At first i couldnt be bothered (for no apparent reason) and later in the afternoon i had wanted to take a nap. I took another look at the ad and i just gave them a call anyway. Turns out the jobscope was just tending some redemption counter and some kids game stalls... and was told to come down for an interview IMMEDIATELY. Wah no kiddin' man, so i got myself changed and headed to United Square where the job location is at.

Reached there, saw a couple of malay girls who were there too for the interview. *WARNING - RACIST ALERT* When i saw them, my thoughts were like, "urgh". Filled up the form and waited for my turn.

Then i was called in, hahaha basically once again BS a lotta crap, just exaggerating about my previous temp job and army vocation. my dog handler status kinda provoked her interest. :D

After some real CHIT-CHATTING, she told, on the spot, "I confirm you, right now. You're in."

Victory is mine.

"I'll give you a call tomorrow on what time to come... and I WILL call you tomorrow.."

I feel like a champion already.

Before heading out of the door, i just couldn't help but to look at them with a big bloody grin. Hope i don't happen to work with any of them.

Today, i went to be some outdoor variety production extra cast, last night Laura called to ask whether i wanna earn 30 bucks. Of course i jumped right in. She's in it too with her work collegue. Location was somewhere in Lim Chu Kang, at someone's vege farm garden. Friggin' warm and face was... not reacting to well to the hot surroundings. But it was interesting, an insight to how outdoor shoot are done.

Now i await that much needed $30 cheque to be mailed to me. :)

Oh and tomorrow i'm gonna start WORK. Frankly, i don't really know why i wanted this... i'll be dealing with ppl and mingling with kids... not my greatest triads. Well, at times like these, earn approx. 700 bucks in 3 weeks, why not. Besides, I NEED TO SETTLE MY FUCKIN' OUTSTANDING BILLS. And get my licence done. 3 weeks man, what's after that, later then say. Now i'm just so soososo tired, for the first time in weeks, i might just actually sleep early. MMmmmMMmMm...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

YO CheCk +h1$ out!

h0w D0 j00 @lL f1nD THi5 EH? PRETtY C00L? I'D $@Y, +HI$ 15 Pret+Y PhUN 4C+U4LLy... Lo0K 4T 4lL MY wORdS, 5o phuLL oPH ch4R@C+ER, $o 'IN+3rNE+', 50 LE3t! bUt... 1+ B3CoME5 4 5ORE EyE 4PHt3R 4 Wh1Le 50 0k i'LL $T0P... H4Ha...

4nyw4y... Wh4+ tEh phucK... ok back to normal, anyway, fuckin' hell! it's been days since that orientation training at NYDC and i have still not heard from them on when i can start work! Well I'm freakin' giving them another 15 hours before i call them up and ask them what the phucK is going on. With my bills reaching an all time high of over 200 bucks and OVERDUED... you can say that i'm pretty FRIGGIN' DESPERATE. Ah well i prolly derserve the service cut, who asked me to bum around sooo much. Yeah, it ain't worth it, i'm stupid and i'm always broke, what's new. Been searching around to earn $$ in anyway possible, including online surveys! Recently i just got paid US$1 for a survey i did back somewhere in June! But i somehow messed up the payment methods :( soo.... let's just hope they'll send a reminder message or something... hey it's friggin' money, right? and it actually works, wow....

Over the past few days i came up with stuff to put in my blog, the bloody rising cost in public transport, ways of coming up with cheap cooking, the satisfaction you get after releasing your poo.... but just now i just got hit by a virus in my computer. Oh, it's not just a simple spyware... this little fucker actually replicated itself and started spreading all over in my main system drive. So much so that it made my anti-virus program sounding it's alarm every 20 seconds, changed my blank desktop wallpaper to this, "You've got Virus!" or something like that and my firewall... what the fuck, where did my firewall program go?! Well, of course i panicked a bit, it's the bloody first i experienced such a big virus attack, and in real time too.... so what choice so i have but to clean up the mess. ran my anti-virus program but it was busy choking up with these virus alert pop-ups. Tried deleting them, an obviously futile attempt cos they are constantly being used by the system... and then it froze. How nice. *Presses the restart button*


*Windows logs into the desktop and virus alert pop-ups starts to flood the screen*

So... i restarted the computer in safe mode and ran all my arsenal of spyware, adware and virus cleaning programs and detected a whole load of trogan stuff all over the place. Wow, this shit works fast.

After spending about an hour cleaning, was watching Black Beauty on tv while waiting (such a touching story *sniff*), i restarted the system, thinking that it should be more or less clean by now. EZ work, job well done!

*CAUTION: A virus has been detected*

Whoops, spoke too soon.

That got me feeling a little fed up, and somehow a bit helpless too. So i went online to get some help on the forum pages. Then i noticed that help doesnt come immediately, i ain't gonna wait till i turn mouldy before they start to just look into my problem. instead, i browsed through some of the other entries of other ppl's problem and got a basic idea of what to do and what's next is too long and detail for a lazy pig like me to explain and after another hour or so waiting waiting waiting for the cleaning process to end... and VOILA! No more virus... clean, flushed and all single-handedly! yes i'm da man! I'M DA MAN! (rant all you want, it's my friggin' blog, i can talk like a gorilla all i want, BLEAH!)

Well, after going through all that "ooh-so-hair-raising-experience", it's goes to show that you gotta have good software protection in your computer at all times(although i can't figure out why my firewall program went poof without notice). I know of many friends of mine who occasionly cursed and swear at their computers when they get hit by slow performance or virus attacks, and these ppl (ususally the females :D, oh yes, just admit it) hardly pay much attention to protecting their computers, let alone updating any software inside. Well since i'm into this topic, i might as well be a nice fat pig to give you some pointers and tips to safe-guarding
your beloved or cursed computer.

1)Always have an anti-virus, firewall and spyware detector/removal programs in your system.
No doubts, without these, you are a goner. Common sense lah! I'm sure you should know why you should have these, can't be bother to explain either.. go figure out yourself if you still have no idea why. For anti-virus i recommend avast! Home Edition. It's got this pretty cool alert sound when a virus is detected and does a great job at detecting too... as you can tell from my experience. For firewall, i choose Sygate Personal Firewall. It checks on every internet movement made from and to your computer and it allows you to choose what programs to allow net access as well. I would say this one's for the more advanced users, but it's pretty good i'd say. For spyware/adware, i use Spybot - Search and Destroy and Ad-aware SE Personal Edition. These work great in unison and they can effectively detect, remove and prevent future spywares from getting into yr computer. Besides, most tech-savvy guys recommend them too.

2)Run and update your software regularly.
Just like you, these programs need to keep up with the trend. In in a more technical term, keeping up with the ever-growing virus world. You get the idea, right?

3)Partitioning your hard drives.
Why? Cos i said so. No really actually, partitioning allows you to create different drives in your computer, so that you can oraganise your stuff. But that's not really my main point. You see, for me i partition in such a way that my system and other frequently accessed programs are install in one drive, my downloads in another and other mambo jambo in my other hard drives. So in an event if a virus hits and does some real bad shit, at least my downloaded stuff are relatively safe; i can always reinstall my Windows system without touching the other stuff. Wee! Get it? No? too bad then.

4)Clean your computer.
And i mean literally cleaning the dust and and black stuff off from the inside of the computer casing. One of the reasons why if your computer seems to be crashing all the time is that it's prolly overheating; dust accumulates heat and thus yeah... girls, this is an opportunity to call your guys to come over to your house and impress your parents lol.

5)If you are at a lost, call me
Hahahaha.... :D

Well that's it for today... fucking hell, what a long entry eh! Hungry... MmMmm....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Possible... "vacation" period

Just a while ago, a fellow net friend had informed me that her internet a/c got disconnected due to a 2 month unpaid and overdue bill. I fear that the same is about to happen to me... real soon. So... in case any of you peeps begin to wonder why I haven't been online for a lengthly period, i.e. not once during the whole day, you should know. But don't worry, i'll be working to pay off whatever debts lay before me and before you know it, I'll be back. Maybe not bigger and stronger but... mm...ermm... ah I be back. :) In the meantime, while i can, i'm gonna download as much junk as i can... Bleah! :oD

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Ah yesh, after more than a month of life-wasting idling and running dry on most occassions, i'm finally gonna start working pretty soon. I was suppose to blog last night, but i was dreprived of sleep the whole of yesterday. Early in the morning i had to go to that Army driving centre all the way at Kaki Bukit just to collect my *ahem* "Certificate Of Competency To D-D-Drive" Oh yeah, another step closer to getting that much desired Driving Licence that i have been waiting for YEARS. Once i've got that $50 to pay for the stupid photo card and wait for about week after... WOOT! Because i was trying to save $ as much as i can, i took e bus all the way home. A bus to Bedok then the straight bus back home, a 1 and a 1/2 hour of butt numbing ride. Reminds me of the days where i used to take long bus ride... just for fun.
Oh and i got a new haircut. And it sucks. The barber sucks actually. I told him specifically how i wanted my hair to be cut and he gave me this this... urgh. Well at least i can still gel it up and look up to date.
Then it was orientation training at the N.Y.D.C Heeren outlet. saw many different kinds of the chosen one, but all had one thing in common: all had experience in the F&B line. No wonder. As i was saying, different kind of ppl... there was this sissy looking one which i believe has issues with his/her gender, there this one which looked as if he had recently left a notorious street gang or loan shark co., there's this mixed malay who looked like he's way over himself... then there's this skinny guy who after quite some time i realized that he was actually a girl... a skinny indian who looked like who has just completed secondary school but is actually of the same age as me... this one who looked like a butch but is a nice person actually (had previously worked in Haagen-Dazs too), and finally 4 little young teen girls who are friends... 2 looked alright, the other 2 looked like shit. Oh then there's this late comer too... nothing special about him. That's probably the special thing about him.
SO basically we were taught about the menu, the food and drinks, the cutlery and dishes and cups used... how the order is taken.. blah blah blah... and some sampling of the food. God i loved the mushrooms they used. Must.. have... mm. For the Wheellock outlet, only four of us will go there, the kid looking indian, the perfectly normal guy and the "butch-looking" one (she's just too nice to be insulted in anyway lol), but she's only there temp, she was suppose to go to the Suntec outlet. Today they're suppose to call me about the schedule, hope i can work asap wee.
Then when i came home, i was already feeling sleepy... straight after dinner i fell asleep from 8pm onwards... had actually set the alarm to wake me up at 11pm but... i ignored and woke up at 2am instead. found out that i've got a zillion msn messages on my screen, some going," eh where are you?","you dead?", "wtf why are you not responding?!","you b*tch, you made me waste my precious time on waiting for you!!!"

nah, i was just kidding, those messages were bullshit lol.

Since i woke up in the middle of the night and obviously found no way to go back to sleep... i thought i could do some online surfing and gaming when... my internet connection got fucked. I dunno what happened, but it was like last time where the connection kept dropping and i got real pissed. I went back to sleep, tossed and turned till the daybreak. Swtiched on the computer and motherfucker still the same state. ARGH!!!! So.... i decided to try and burn my cds... having already wasted like 15 over partially burnt and useless cds is not an encouraging thought... tried to make the best of them by sticking them all over my wall, acting like "light reflectors"... anyway i had posted on the forum for help on this... and after much trial and error, finally got to burn a COMPLETE one... at a miserable speed. the crashing still happens sometimes... but at least i can clear some space on my space-strapped hard disk. And just now by some means, my internet connection went back to normal. STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH ME, YOU STUPID METAL CASE OF SHIT! *Kicks the computer casing*

Nice weather out there today, just rained and it's cool now.... i'm just gonna stay at home and try da do more backup of my stuff... weee