Usually I dream a lot at night, just that none ever leaves a lasting impression in my head when i wake up... plus none of them makes sense. Then just a few hours ago i took a nap, saw a dream... till now its STILL vividly in my mind. Guess its worth writing it down... whatever it means.
The first part of it was sketchy, although my mind keeps telling me "cruise ship" somewhere. The plot was that I had borrowed a car, from a relative in Malaysia, and my mum tells me that I would have to return it to them... meaning drive it all the way back north. No location specified, but had the feeling that it's really long journey. The car i remembered was dark purple Nissan Silvia, like this:

Err... minus that wing and the big-ass exhaust, plus the colour more to the dark side... yeah that's the exact pic that i remembered. Never get to see the front of it.
So, i was on this err cruise ship, on some holiday, with my mum and see tells me that I have to return the car later that night. Ok. Then she went off to somewhere, I while i ventured around when I came across a table with people who somehow knows me... and I have no idea who they are. They called me over to join them and so I did. I could remember there were some caucasians, with one or two looking familiar to me, but yet i could not recall anything. They were talking about going on a holiday or something, but I just couldn't care less.
Ok here's where even more nonsense come into play. We had our chat and drinks and decided to leave. Then I came across an elavator which actually opens its door to another room. Then all of a sudden I found myself in an exhibition centre... and there's this blue Toyota Vios right in front of me. It supposedly belongs to one of the people at the table, and he said to me that I could take it for a spin. Alright, so I did. I clearly remembered that this car is a LEFT-HAND DRIVE (which does not exist lol) and it's a stick stift. I drove it around the exhibition hall and suddenly, I found myself in a race of somesort, against supercars. So I was like driving really fast in that erm Vios and I had a hard time shifting the gears cos it was heavy and stiff. Then I remembered taking the corners at ludicrious speeds and doing a bit of sliding here and there... practically enjoying myself!
Then I stopped and 2 ladies stuck their head into the passenger window.... I told them the gear knob is friggin' hard to shift, and they told me yeah. One of them was a complete stranger with really dark complexion, the other was someone who was familiar to be but still can't make out who... she was fair and had shoulder-lenght hair. I got of the car, feeling high and satisfied and somehow for no reason, looking forward to driving that Nissan up north.
And that was when i woke up.
Yep.... as usual the whole thing doesn't make sense, huh?