Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Why am i smiling? Hmm... what could possibly make me smile just like that? I opened up my mailbox just this evening and i saw a letter with my name on it. Upon tearing up the envelope like a crazy kid opening up a christmas present, i unfolded the content, a piece of paper... and this is what i saw...

click on the pic to enlarge
Yes! YES! AWWW YEAH!!!! Finally it's here! It is actually... APPROVED! *Jump jump* OMG... even with those suspiciously huge milage figures in a single day... they still actually approved my application! The funny thing is... a couple days ago, i was like wondering hmm... when is the letter gonna come... it's like i had a feeling that it was gonna come anytime, so everyday without fail i would open up the letter box to check... and VOILA! I'm happy! Oh so happy! HAPPY HAPPY!!!!! Finally i can drive the Caddy anywhere i wanna... AND IN PEACE! *outstretches both arms into the air and shaking head*

The beautiful first sentence which blew my mind into pure, ultimate, unadulterated estasy.
On the drawback... mmm we'll come to that later.
Another good news for today, for moi. I've finally got a job, at N.Y.D.C Wheellock Place. Well more or less... i mean, if i was told to attend a training session next Tuesday, shows that i'm accepted, right? so yeah... when i mentioned to the interviewer that i had experience in the F&B industry and that i'm totally free and flexible to work anytime during the 2nd half of the year, that probably got me in already. I was even asked which department i prefer to work in, floor or kitchen. wow such luxury. I simply told her that i can manage both, kitchen sound more challenging to me (all bullshit just to impress her). Briefing on working conditions, attire, operations time, all done in real brief... and before i knew it, "so i'll see you on next tues for the training session at the Heeren outlet?"
Oh yeah. :D 5 bucks per hour, same as Haagen-Dazs while i was there back then... pretty alright with me. Oh hell i was in desperate need of getting a job asap, and after serveral friggin' attempts at other placees which failed... i thank GOD for this one.
While i was wating at that resturant, i happened to brfriended some other applicants too. At first, the 2 guys looked as if they had been close friends or known each other for some time... the ironic truth is, they actually came to just know each other a few minutes before i came in. O_o One of them was applying for the supervisor position, this guy called Jonathan. He was sporting a really cool mohawwk haircut, partially dyed bright gold in colour. And he's pretty umm... gayish. The other one, a NYP student who goes by the name of Taufik Basti... nah just kidding :D, just Taufik, applying for part time crew. He's pretty funny, making fun of John most of the time lol. After we were done with the interview, we hung out at the nearby Mac for a drink and chatted for a while before heading out to our seperate ways. Well... never expected all these, but hey... it was pretty cool. :)
Mmm.. with a job in hand and my driver's licence within reach... sounds like things are finally turning for the better huh? Mmmm... not quite. As you might have guessed it, it's got to do with $$$ and there is indeeed a problem settling the service cost.... got some personal problems which i don't wanna disclose... and that resulted in leaving me flat broke. And i mean really. Flat. Broke. I don't even have any $ to take a bus now! And for some personal reasons i can't borrow from mum... so i'm appealing to anyone.... please help me out? Please?? this is a really and real desperate situation here. i hate being cursed with poor finacial capability :(
Help me out, please!!!!

click on the pic to enlarge
Yes! YES! AWWW YEAH!!!! Finally it's here! It is actually... APPROVED! *Jump jump* OMG... even with those suspiciously huge milage figures in a single day... they still actually approved my application! The funny thing is... a couple days ago, i was like wondering hmm... when is the letter gonna come... it's like i had a feeling that it was gonna come anytime, so everyday without fail i would open up the letter box to check... and VOILA! I'm happy! Oh so happy! HAPPY HAPPY!!!!! Finally i can drive the Caddy anywhere i wanna... AND IN PEACE! *outstretches both arms into the air and shaking head*

The beautiful first sentence which blew my mind into pure, ultimate, unadulterated estasy.
On the drawback... mmm we'll come to that later.
Another good news for today, for moi. I've finally got a job, at N.Y.D.C Wheellock Place. Well more or less... i mean, if i was told to attend a training session next Tuesday, shows that i'm accepted, right? so yeah... when i mentioned to the interviewer that i had experience in the F&B industry and that i'm totally free and flexible to work anytime during the 2nd half of the year, that probably got me in already. I was even asked which department i prefer to work in, floor or kitchen. wow such luxury. I simply told her that i can manage both, kitchen sound more challenging to me (all bullshit just to impress her). Briefing on working conditions, attire, operations time, all done in real brief... and before i knew it, "so i'll see you on next tues for the training session at the Heeren outlet?"
Oh yeah. :D 5 bucks per hour, same as Haagen-Dazs while i was there back then... pretty alright with me. Oh hell i was in desperate need of getting a job asap, and after serveral friggin' attempts at other placees which failed... i thank GOD for this one.
While i was wating at that resturant, i happened to brfriended some other applicants too. At first, the 2 guys looked as if they had been close friends or known each other for some time... the ironic truth is, they actually came to just know each other a few minutes before i came in. O_o One of them was applying for the supervisor position, this guy called Jonathan. He was sporting a really cool mohawwk haircut, partially dyed bright gold in colour. And he's pretty umm... gayish. The other one, a NYP student who goes by the name of Taufik Basti... nah just kidding :D, just Taufik, applying for part time crew. He's pretty funny, making fun of John most of the time lol. After we were done with the interview, we hung out at the nearby Mac for a drink and chatted for a while before heading out to our seperate ways. Well... never expected all these, but hey... it was pretty cool. :)
Mmm.. with a job in hand and my driver's licence within reach... sounds like things are finally turning for the better huh? Mmmm... not quite. As you might have guessed it, it's got to do with $$$ and there is indeeed a problem settling the service cost.... got some personal problems which i don't wanna disclose... and that resulted in leaving me flat broke. And i mean really. Flat. Broke. I don't even have any $ to take a bus now! And for some personal reasons i can't borrow from mum... so i'm appealing to anyone.... please help me out? Please?? this is a really and real desperate situation here. i hate being cursed with poor finacial capability :(
Help me out, please!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Today saw some really huge downpour all over town... twice. First was while was taking a bus to Suntec, got stuck at a bus stop for a while. The next one was while coming home, and one was real major... freaking huge! But... to me it was kinda cool. Yeah heavy rains does bring out a lot of inconveniences, however i feel that such rain calms me down somehow. The sound of rain droplets falling from the sky and hitting whatever on their way down just deafens any negative thoughts inside me. Weird huh? And the sight of the mistified and fogged surroundings gives me the sensation of calmness, you can't really see clearly what's far out ahead and the soft and blurred images... yeah all rubbish to you, but means something to me.
Ah yes, about the VW Caddy... it's finally running again! yep, yesterday my bro to try and jump start the car using his fren's car.... at first it didn't really work. the electrics were working, but when it came to cranking up the engine, the start just barely moved. even when the battery was connected to the other car's battery all the while, the starter refused to moved than just a tiny bit. We thought that it could be the starter that's having the problem, then that would require a tow truck which $$$ urgh.... but we decided to try the change the battery first, it could be faulty. SO we drove to Autobacs, a huge automotive and accessories store and got hold of a car battery... costing a cool $100. like omg... then drove back to the Caddy and changed the batteries... and voila! IT WORKED!
Next step... since the battery's changed, might as well get the engine oil changed as well. Also the air filter... and along the way, get the loose timing belt checked as it was unusually loose. SO... brought the car back to the shop and took up an oil change package... another $90 plus a dignosis(?) on the engine and vital parts around the car too. about half hour later, this is the report:
Brake pads are left with half it's original size
filter's is in need of a change (duh)
tension pulley rusting (urgh)
starter motor is loose from it's mounting, with 2 mounting bolts missing(?!)
my bro and i were surprised when the mechanic started to move the starter motor back and forth and then showing us the missing mounting bolts. we were like "HUh?!" then my bro recalled having the timing belt changed before.... but that was 3 years ago. perhaps the last mechanic who did the job forgot the screw on the final 2 bolts in place. wtf. and came to think of it, no wonder that starter motor seems to be viberating quite a bit. Just that... never noticed that it was actually loose from it's mounting.... and because of that... it was actually unsafe to drive the car like that.
my bro and i have been driving that car for like nearly 3 years... with that loose thingy. like omg.
So, that left us with no choice but to leave the car there at the workshop and have the car fixed... meanwhile my bro gave me $250 in case when the car's ready, i will be the one collecting the vehicle and settling the service charged.
And this just in...... the total bill amounted to $838.
my bro asked me to ask to borrow from mum $ to settle the bill first... but i know that she's already having a hard time with $, obviously that was a big problem. then later my bro smsed me saying that he can onyl settle half the amount... if not don't collect the car. I was like... "huh.... sigh"
that was about half hour ago... and i'm still feeling ... sucky about it. it always have to be the $ problem. I'm sure you ppl would agree that without $, you're almost hopeless to survive in this country. $800 to change the timing belt system?! sounds like a bloody rip off.... i've heard about mehanics here who are very unscupulous(?) and dishonest most of the time when comes to telling customers the problems with their vehicles. over-quoting repair or replacement parts costs and doing shoddy work... god, why of all things i have to have automobiles my passion... sigh
*grabs a bottle of Finlandia Vodka and a shot glass and shuffles to the living room...*
Today saw some really huge downpour all over town... twice. First was while was taking a bus to Suntec, got stuck at a bus stop for a while. The next one was while coming home, and one was real major... freaking huge! But... to me it was kinda cool. Yeah heavy rains does bring out a lot of inconveniences, however i feel that such rain calms me down somehow. The sound of rain droplets falling from the sky and hitting whatever on their way down just deafens any negative thoughts inside me. Weird huh? And the sight of the mistified and fogged surroundings gives me the sensation of calmness, you can't really see clearly what's far out ahead and the soft and blurred images... yeah all rubbish to you, but means something to me.
Ah yes, about the VW Caddy... it's finally running again! yep, yesterday my bro to try and jump start the car using his fren's car.... at first it didn't really work. the electrics were working, but when it came to cranking up the engine, the start just barely moved. even when the battery was connected to the other car's battery all the while, the starter refused to moved than just a tiny bit. We thought that it could be the starter that's having the problem, then that would require a tow truck which $$$ urgh.... but we decided to try the change the battery first, it could be faulty. SO we drove to Autobacs, a huge automotive and accessories store and got hold of a car battery... costing a cool $100. like omg... then drove back to the Caddy and changed the batteries... and voila! IT WORKED!
Next step... since the battery's changed, might as well get the engine oil changed as well. Also the air filter... and along the way, get the loose timing belt checked as it was unusually loose. SO... brought the car back to the shop and took up an oil change package... another $90 plus a dignosis(?) on the engine and vital parts around the car too. about half hour later, this is the report:
Brake pads are left with half it's original size
filter's is in need of a change (duh)
tension pulley rusting (urgh)
starter motor is loose from it's mounting, with 2 mounting bolts missing(?!)
my bro and i were surprised when the mechanic started to move the starter motor back and forth and then showing us the missing mounting bolts. we were like "HUh?!" then my bro recalled having the timing belt changed before.... but that was 3 years ago. perhaps the last mechanic who did the job forgot the screw on the final 2 bolts in place. wtf. and came to think of it, no wonder that starter motor seems to be viberating quite a bit. Just that... never noticed that it was actually loose from it's mounting.... and because of that... it was actually unsafe to drive the car like that.
my bro and i have been driving that car for like nearly 3 years... with that loose thingy. like omg.
So, that left us with no choice but to leave the car there at the workshop and have the car fixed... meanwhile my bro gave me $250 in case when the car's ready, i will be the one collecting the vehicle and settling the service charged.
And this just in...... the total bill amounted to $838.
my bro asked me to ask to borrow from mum $ to settle the bill first... but i know that she's already having a hard time with $, obviously that was a big problem. then later my bro smsed me saying that he can onyl settle half the amount... if not don't collect the car. I was like... "huh.... sigh"
that was about half hour ago... and i'm still feeling ... sucky about it. it always have to be the $ problem. I'm sure you ppl would agree that without $, you're almost hopeless to survive in this country. $800 to change the timing belt system?! sounds like a bloody rip off.... i've heard about mehanics here who are very unscupulous(?) and dishonest most of the time when comes to telling customers the problems with their vehicles. over-quoting repair or replacement parts costs and doing shoddy work... god, why of all things i have to have automobiles my passion... sigh
*grabs a bottle of Finlandia Vodka and a shot glass and shuffles to the living room...*
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Just another day
Yep... the it's been pouring real heavy these past 2 days, perfect weather for Zzzzz... other than that, nothing eventful going on... other than what's always going inside me.. mmm anyway...
came across these pretty interesting book covers, here's a few for show...

All these are from The Wonderful World of Longmire
came across these pretty interesting book covers, here's a few for show...

All these are from The Wonderful World of Longmire
Monday, July 18, 2005
Like the sound of that?
Just recently learnt how to add some music to my lifeless and totally ignored blog. Cool huh? Next would probably be replacing the title image.... only when i feel like it. :D
Sunday, July 17, 2005
A War Within Me
It's getting intolerable. It's getting far too annoying. It's just too much.
But, it's been like this for a while. Nothing has improved. Something's definately missing.
It's right in front of me. It's actually within grasp. Somehow, something else is holding me back....
No, this isn't some surprise lame shit.
I'm talking about my life.
I don't want pity. I just want to be like everyone, leading a normal, sociable life. I am jealous of each and everyone of you.
But sometimes, your own mind just gets in your way. This invisible barrier, it's from within. Seriously, i confess. I am darn embaressed that i can't even break away from what i created within myself.
What does it take to be free?
But, it's been like this for a while. Nothing has improved. Something's definately missing.
It's right in front of me. It's actually within grasp. Somehow, something else is holding me back....
No, this isn't some surprise lame shit.
I'm talking about my life.
I don't want pity. I just want to be like everyone, leading a normal, sociable life. I am jealous of each and everyone of you.
But sometimes, your own mind just gets in your way. This invisible barrier, it's from within. Seriously, i confess. I am darn embaressed that i can't even break away from what i created within myself.
What does it take to be free?
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oh! I'm still alive!
Ah yesh... after days and weeks of blogging absence, i'm finally back here writing something again. The days between this entry and the last, i was still pretty much slacking like a useless goofball, hoping to come across that almost perfect job that will fit me seamlessly. Also along the way, i was getting to know some new ppl... yes, they are GIRLS. I really wonder this man, why am i only going after the female species? I myself kinda wonder that too... mmm, for one thing, i just feel more or less comfortable when talking to one. No wait... ah geez really, i have no idea. i am only comfortable to those who i know better or have know for a while. It's not that i'm searching for another gf, really. In fact actually at this moment in life, i'm not really interesting to getting to know anyone. i just kinda feel that... i'll go click with some new ppl after i get into a job. Weird me eh? In the past, i was a bit of a "flirt", so maybe that has sort of grown into me. Hmm. Although i do welcome anyone who approaches me (in fact, i should be glad if anyone actually does so), i do tend to get a little fussy when it comes to choosing who i wanna click with for a long period of time. As of now, i don't really have a "best friend", the last one gave up on me. It's sad that he doesnt know that i've already gotten over it more or less, it's his fault that we ain't in contact anymore.
Sigh.. just when i thought that after ORD, i got everything planned just nice... then the course has to be cancelled. Now i'm deciding whether to find a full time job or part time. Full time and i'll have to delay or possible deviate totaly from my intended future career. part time, still have a chance to enter the whole of mechanic work asap but till then, $$ will be low. I'm confused man. You know what, i blame the complex society we have here. Life would have been more simpler without all the ... ah you know what's around us.
Argh! *pulls hair*
Sigh.. just when i thought that after ORD, i got everything planned just nice... then the course has to be cancelled. Now i'm deciding whether to find a full time job or part time. Full time and i'll have to delay or possible deviate totaly from my intended future career. part time, still have a chance to enter the whole of mechanic work asap but till then, $$ will be low. I'm confused man. You know what, i blame the complex society we have here. Life would have been more simpler without all the ... ah you know what's around us.
Argh! *pulls hair*
Friday, July 01, 2005
![]() You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do. You are unique, creative, and expressive. You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |