There... i put your name, happy? :D Hahahaha... but thanks for reminding me to update, almost forgot that i actually have some followers here lol :)
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Not chinese? I don't care, happy chinese new year! This is the lunar year of the DOG! My year! My year! Though bragging about it doesn't really prove to have any real beneficial gains... still it's the year of the DOG! :p Like last year, not much going on.... no house visiting, stay at home.... blarhhh. Reunion dinner was outside though on the eve, food saarrrckkked. Over the last 3 days made my own night outings, i hadda go out! Watched movies, eat eat eat, late night suppers and catching up friends and.... just realized that i can't really write much today. Really, i think i kinda lost the feel of writing... i was quite used to pouring my sorrows and anger and frustrations for the past year... to actually write something happy that happened to me, like... "Oh you know what i did today???? i cut my nails! so funky! ow, chic!!"
can't believe i wrote that.
Mmm... maybe for this entry i'll just post today's events! ah quite interesting actually.... I woke this morning at the usual time, showered, grabbed my stuff, went down to the coffeeshop to order some wanton mee from the stressed out hawker cos it was the only stall open this morning.... took the bus down to Leng Kee where i work... approached the Mini showroom where i noticed that the gates were still closed shut. ok that's odd. usually there would be someone who will arrive damn early to open the doors but i also found out that there was absolutely no one inside. Hmm... ok something is definately... b4 i could finish that thought, another thought cut in, telling me, "Closed = no work = can go home and SLEEP! SLEEP! ZZZ!!!"
For a split second it sounded quite logical... but i had to ask what was going on. Then the security guard told me that everyone was at the main Porsche showroom building for the new year opening and buffet lunch. WTF no one told me that. Apparently every year, on the 1st working day after the holiday, there will be this lion dance opening thingy followed by buffet lunch.... then work resumes from noon onwards. i was like thinking.. f**k i have to go to THERE??? While i stood there for a minute thinking of what to do... one of the guys from there actually back here to give the guards something and saw and.... surprised look, blahblahblah... and ya a lift to there. Lucky me. here's a pic of the lion dancing thingy... a while before there was a lotta ppl cos EVERY stuff was present.

then came the lunch and OMGOOSH sooo much stuff man! crayfish, sushi, cold salad, black pepper chicken, fish fillet cooked in sweet corn sauce omg i loved that... pastry, that yam dessert with sweet corn ahhhh! so full man! plus there was soo much left over... bet a whole bunch of the office stuff "tah bao" a lotta stuff. Oh and everyone was given an ang pow too... $$$! should've went to his house on the first day...
Then back to the Mini showroom to work. No wait... we had to wait for the big boss to arrive then so the formal chinese welcome thingy before entering via then main door.... but the time when we really get to start work... oh 2pm! W00t! yeah time flew kinda fast... not much idling around so... yeah it was good.
Then after work... went to pay off my bills and sigh... the bloody parking fine that cost me $50 $^&^(@%#^&! ya lah it's my mistake... parking in a lot meant for season holders when somehow he was hiding somewhere. Ok i think i'm done for now... really lah no flow from brain to hands to type! clot clot... anyway here's some umm random pictures :D

Yeah... always see this sparrow up there somewhere in the workshop... good thing he/she doesnt poop. :D

Spidey decides to poke Jerry in da eyes. "Web this!!"


If only such titles really exist.... i'd buy it!