Ignore the title.. i just really couldn't think of a proper title at all now.
So... what's going on in my life these days? Mmm let's see......
Company Dinner and Dance
Yeah that was held last Saturday at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Seriously, i'm beginning to feel so darn f**king lucky to be in this company. So established, so rich, so many events! The dress code was smart casual, so i hadda borrow a shirt and pants from my bro... gosh i really need to go shop some clothes for myself. I keeping thinking "i need to get some new clothes, i need to get some new clothes..." then i go somewhere like Bugis Village with that intention in mind, but somehow i end up not buying. Instead got something else in mind... sigh. Anyway, it was my first DnD event so... was pretty much like a wedding dinner, the food and settings... just that there are more activities involving some staff at the tables too. It was alright in end, enjoyed the food, the shows... and woot! scored in the lucky draw... 13th prize: $300 Seiyu shopping voucher. NOW i can go get some proper clothes :D the prizes given out were pretty amazing too... washing machine, plasma tv, more shopping vouchers, handphones with travel vouchers... the top 3 were CASH prizes with travel vouchers, the top being a reward of $2500 cash with $700 travel vouchers. OMG... if i had that $2500... my Caddy's problem would all go away! New working windows, working speedo, new dampers! The Caddy's now rolling quite a lot while making corners... ah its problems are endless at the moment... odd eh, first thing that i'll use the $$$ on is on the car. :p
Mum gone to week long China holiday
yep... left last Sunday, suppose to be back on Monday which is tomrrow. For that entire week... i was like... not at home most of the time hehehe (excluding work). Monday and Tuesday was suppose to be attending school... but i got lazy and decided to skip both days. No harm playing truant once in a while right? As if they're gonna consider that as a break in the contract bond... pui pui won't happen shhhh... touchwood. On Monday spent a nice quiet time at home in the morning, then went out for a walk towards evening. Tuesday was at C's house to see her cat who had recently went under the knife to get nueted. That afternoon went for a swim as well. Rest of the week was either dinner outside of at home resting... but most of the time was hanging with C haha. :p
T for.... Tea!
Yeah... some of you folks may have know me well enough, i'm a person who's easily influenced by what's around me. These days been noticing that some of my work colleagues and friends taking chinese or herbal tea as part of their diet. It is a pretty known fact the tea contains some anti-toxin qualities beneficial to health... and besides i'm kinda getting into the chinese tea taste too haha. So one fine day bought some oolong teas leaves and now having a cup at least once a day. But i heard too that they can do as much harm as they do good. One i heard is that never to consume tea that is left cold already, it'll decrease the size and functionality of some of the male reproductive system. :S Then there's one where my mum told me that tea leaves should not be left soaked too long, it will turn toxic if so. To be on the safe side, i'll heed both advices. :)
Flip phone... bleah.
I am getting sick of this flip phone. So far it's doing really well... can go on MSN anytime, take decent pictures whenever needed... still looks chic too haha. However when it is open... it doesn't really open up 180 flat... so when i'm at work i have to stuff in my pocket like that when i'm on MSN, pretty annoying and worrying at the same time, afraid that i'll snap the phone into 2. So what do i really look for in a handphone? Hmm....
1) Practical design.
Previously i was using my T610 and it was great to have it in my hand at anytime. It's basically just a small rectangular block but i can access all the facing buttons with my thumb alone. As for the flip 7270, the keypad was flat, but too close to each other. Most of the time i was annoyed whenever i wanted to press the clear button but instead got the cancel button and it exits to standby. Plus you have to flip open the phone when you wanna do something. Looks sophisticated and chic, but it gets pretty urrrgh after while... then it becomes troublesome. yeah i've reach that stage.
2) Bluetooooth!
This freaking phone has no bluetooth! pretty irritating when most of your friends' phones have bluetooth, and when you wanna exchange pics of send over stuff... "eh, can infra-red to me?" and then they go, "Huh? so troublesome ah...." I tell you, so paiseh ok! Also whenever i wanna upload any pics that i have taken with the phone, have to infra-red to my old T610, then bluetooth over to my PC. *toot*ing troublesome right?! Gah.
3) Expandable memory
Argh... getting tired already. think i've written too much... anyway with expandable memory plus better phone system interface... i can do so much more. like what you ask? don't ask now cos i can't be bother to answer at this moment... whatever you can think of eh? mmm....
4) Megapixel camera
Actually this is optional. My current one takes pretty alright and decent pics... well at least it's better than my old T610 which is comparable and possibly similar to taking a pic with a 1st gen webcam. Horrible i tell ya.
5) Price $$$
It must be affordable DUH. With my current income how on earth can i fork out $1k to buy something like a Nokia N90 or whatever top end shit? Budget budget.
I do have some models in mind that i wouldn't mind replacing my current one with. Top of my list is the 6600... ya it's old but somehow i like the design and it's got almost everything i'm looking for... plus it is affordable. Yeah... mmm.... Next month? See how...
Alrighty i really need to end now... was only intending to update on myself a bit... but then again sometimes when you start, you just can't stop. Tomorrow my bro's using the car for whatever "work" he's claiming that's urgent... that means public transport to Yishun... argh! Thank goodness the lecturer doesnt mind late comers *grin*